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Shik Roya

React & React Native Developer

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About Me

I am a professional full-stack JavaScript developer with 8 years of experience in building rich web and mobile applications using React/React Native. My unique professional experience stems from years of providing excellent customer support, creative problem solving, and building customer loyalty.

Latest Projects

project name

Booking Hotels & Travel - Travel app to join thousands of people finding deals on hotels, motels, and vacation homes.

This project can help to find where you are stay for your vacation, weekend getaway, or business trip. This app was built 1 year ago upon React Native.

✔ React Native, ✔ JavaScript&TypeScript, ✔ API Integration, ✔ Firebase

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Panty & Bra - Product Management for Seller and Customer

This project allows anyone who owns a product to sell and buy the product freely, without a seller, to become a seller. Used only Firebase with backend. There are various functionality like image upload, push notification and chatting.

✔ React Native, ✔ JavaScript, ✔ google map, ✔ Firebase/FireStore

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Food Delivery - Booking and Delivery App For customers

Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest selection of your favorite local and national restaurants -- more than 310,000 menus across 4,000+ cities in the U.S., Canada and Australia.

✔ React Native, ✔ JavaScript, ✔ graphQL, ✔ google map

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Dress House - Tab and Evaluate Dress Model

This project simple project to evaluate various dress model from scraping. The app support 3 languages. Here, I develop front side and integrated with backend. Frontend is developed with React Native.

✔ Python ✔ Scraping ✔ React Native, ✔ JavaScript, ✔ Redux/Saga

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Sports Game App - Booking and Playing Sports

Any person can gather to play football. They need to book in advance then system makes a group. I developed both frontend and backend including dashboard.

✔ React Native ✔ JavaScript, ✔ Node.js, ✔ Laravel, ✔ MySql

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Other Projects

«Park Share» and «Park Share Business» iOS & Android

Two applications that include a customer application and a business application. The service allows parking lot owners to publish their parking lots, and customers find these parking lots. Parking lots are displayed on the map, there is also the possibility of reservation, chat and much more. The release of the application is expected soon. I participate in the project as the only iOS developer and have been writing the project from the beginning.

«Oioni» - Estonian project that helps people find and book a service in hairdressing and beauty salons. iOS & Android

I participate in the project as the only iOS developer and have been writing the project from the beginning.

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«Pick & Go» - The application for the chain of grocery hypermarkets “Velmart” and “Velika Kishenya” iOS

Pilot project for registration of settlement transactions. The application is available only for testing, distributed through TestFly.

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Work Experience

React Native Developer - Self Employed (2021 - Present)

As a senior React Native developer, I have developed many mobile apps successfully. For now I'm working on mobile area as a self employed so looking for a new job

Mobile Application Developer - Remote (2016 - 2020)

Freelance work. During this time, I managed to take part in interesting projects in countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, England. Applications that I developed during freelancing: Park Share + Park Share Business, Yoozby, Oioni, пРРОсто, Заберу + Заберу Partners, Кабинет жителя. In projects, we worked in a team with designer, backend and PM.

Software Engineer - Lindenvaley (2013 - 2015)

Work at Lindenvaley. This is an outsourcing company with offices in Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine. Got experience in development in a team with the participation of other IOS developers. Conducted the development and support of such projects: CicloApp, MET-Traker, Абук, etc. The work was carried out remotely.

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